Set yo Yes if the integration is active (This alone will not do it. You also have to add the E-conomic option to your SkyViewCRM license.)
Enter token
Here you will paste in the text string (token), given to you from e-conomic. (To get this token you can press the designated button "Get token" and follow directions). This field will show up empty when you save the screen once you save the settings as the token is stored encrypted and cannot be made visible again.
Synchronize debtors
Whether debtors in e-conomic should create/update companies in SkyViewCRM. The key field is Customer Key.
Base data - as well as financial stats - are transferred from e-conomic to SkyViewCRM on a daily basis.
Debtor Groups For Sync
Leave empty or enter a comma separated list of debtorgroup numbers. Only debtors belonging to groups listed here will be synchronized with SkyViewCRM. If you leave the field empty debtors of all groups will be synchronized. To find out the assigned numbers in your e-conomic installation you can open e-conomic and check. Or you can click the tab named Lookup Values. (This latter option requires that your token is entered and saved as it involves CRM connecting to your e-conomic)
Allow Create Debtor
Whether a company in SkyViewCRM - without a corresponding debtor in e-conomic - should be able to trigger the creation of a new debtor in e-conomic. This is a prerequisite for being able to take in orders on customers not yet known to e-conomic.
Auto Create Debtor Number
Recommended value = Yes. E-conomic is capable of assigning new debtors the next available number and as such ensure that each debtor gets a unique debtor number. If you set this field to No, you will yourself have to ensure that you enter suitable debtor numbers everytime you create a new debtor from SkyViewCRM.
Default Debtor Group
Enter the number of the e-conomic debtor group that you want to assign to debtors created from SkyViewCRM by default.
Edit Debtor From CRM
Whether a user of SkyViewCRM should be allowed to edit a debtor in e-conomic via the SkyViewCRM user interface.
Synchronize products
Whether the product catalog in e-conomic should synchronize with the product catalog in SkyViewCRM. This is a prerequisite for order intake in SkyViewCRM as else we would not know the price etc.
Products Default Availability
When new products are imported to SkyViewCRM as part of the synchronization this field value will determine whether the product will be selectable when configuring a Sales Opportunity.
(As part of the Product List Setup in SkyViewCRM you can change this later on for each product)
Allow Create Order
Whether order intake in SkyViewCRM should be allowed.
Order Create Level
Select the item type to create in e-conomic as a result of an order intake in SkyViewCRM:
These possibilities will in ascending order require that all data is correct and verified before the order is taken. As an example "Booked invoice" will require that a debtor with e-mail address and all invoice line products are filled in. Otherwise the invoice cannot be processed and mailed by e-conomic.
If you are uncertain of this, please select a lower level of integration (could be "Order") and do the actual booking in e-conomic when data is verified.
Synchronize Invoices
Whether invoices (headers and lines) are to be transferred to SkyViewCRM.
Only With CRM Origin
Set to Yes if only orders/quotes/invoices that origins from Quotes created in SkyViewCRM should be imported to SkyViewCRM as part of the synchronization process.