Navigation, buttons and menus

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All-though SkyViewCRM is designed to be easy to use and to follow common use patterns, some general principles may be useful to know.


If you are the "I always read the manual"-type please read ahead. If not - skip this chapter.




Anywhere the cursor turns into a hand, you may click and open details on the subject related to the link. As an example a list of companies will always give access to detailed information on the individual companies in the list.





Screens may provide buttons in the four corners:


Top Left

Often you will here see a the SkyViewCRM logo. Click on this and you will go directly to the Home Page.


Top Right

Here you will find one or two buttons.



The Save button will save the content of your current edits and navigate to the screen from where you initiated the edit. After clicking Save, all your data is saved and you can close SkyViewCRM.


Cancel will cancel all your current edits and navigate to the screen from where you initiated the edit.

Confirms some changes that form part of a larger edit operation. OK will not in itself save data. The data will be saved only when you eventually click Save on the screen from where the edit operation was initiated.


Bottom Left

In this corner only one button is possible.



This button will open context sensitive help in a new browser tab or window.


Bottom Right

Here you will see buttons related to functions on the current screen. These buttons may be very specific, but some general types are:


Create or add

This will most often create a new element of the type displayed in list form just above the buttons. If the list is composed of companies, the button will add a new company.

This button navigates backward towards the Home Page. You may also use the back button on your browser to do this, but using the SkyViewCRM back button checks for possible un-saved data before commencing.


This button is useful when more functions are available. The button is often used on screens on devices with limited screen estate. Like phones.


New activity

Use this button to create a new activity (meeting, call, letter, ...) linked to the context on which the button appear. Used on a contact person the newly created activity will be linked to the contact as well as to the company employing the contact.

Create Word

This will create a Microsoft Word document based on a merge template. Almost any kind of related (based on the context on which the button appear) data can be merged into the document.

Create e-mail

Analog to the "Create Word" button, but here we will use a template based on Microsoft Outlook to create the e-mail.


Select and upload/store any document as part of a Document Activity linked to the context on which the button appear.



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